Sorry if i was gone for a long time, guys. Busy busy busy.......
Anyway, I wanted to post this back then when I was still in Korea (for my birthday) and as you all know, I practically went to places when I was still in Korea. I didn't want to post this back then just thinking of how would people react or what the heck would happen to me (and my blog) if I post this about a certain Kpop Idol, I didn't want to risk my blog and go to jail (I don't know why going to jail was an issue for me, but some idol companies sue other people for posting things about their idols so.....) because of it. Thank the heavens that something knocked me off my bed and let me fall face first. I decided to share this to you guys but also to protect the idol's image, therefore I censored everything or every information that may be connected to the Idol. As a blogger on the field (sharing Kpop stuffs) I know very well deep inside that i am obliged to share this to you guys, I will never be inn much peace.
Me and my 엄마 went to her old school to visit her old friend who is now a teacher, after visiting her friend (which they went on talking and talking and the poor me who isn't much fluent had a hard time understanding anything) we went to a place where we can eat some 삼겹살/samgyeopsal (they needed lot of time catching on) the place is quite famous because of all the famous Idols that has eaten there (there are tons of Idol signatures on the wall) and for their delicious 삼겹살.
(don't know what a 삼겹살 is? 삼겹살 is a grilled pork belly, it is very well known in Korea. If you guys have been doing your homework and have watched Kdramas, you would usually see scenes in the Kdrama that the characters are eating on a restaurant with meat being grilled on their table, yep that is 삼겹살)
After being bored, i decided to go out of the restaurant and watch some busy people on the street at night (i am a very weird person and i like watching random people being busy and nahhhhhhhh never mind, it's hard to explain anyways) I saw people with masks on their faces (i think they just gotten out of the clinic they had their face done) which for the record it seemed like i am the only person to notice it (plastic surgery isn't a big shocker nor a big deal there) then i bumped to a lady. She seemed very familiar, i just didn't recognized her that fast. I said sorry in korean, i looked at her waiting for her reply saying "it's okay" or things like that. She told me in korean "Watch where you're going next time" and she angrily dusted her clothes off. 'Twas kinda rude but i guess i didn't mind it since i bumped onto her (which for the record was by accident) and i was also busy dusting my pants off. The cover on her mouth and nose kinda slanted, then i recognized her right away. She didn't had any make-up but i knew it was her. I was kinda pissed off since i always thought she was a sweet lady since that's what her image says about her, but not at that very moment. I said sorry many times and even offered her my handkerchief. I asked her if she was who i thought she was and she scoffed and said in a bit of a rude tone "Right! /smirks/ now a fan is following me?!" I was never a fan of hers, i guess i was just starstrucked at that moment since I encountered a Kpop star in random. Before i stood up, i said sorry to her again and offered her my hand but she refused. She was with someone that i do not know (if it was another star, i would've recognized it right away, but she wasn't) I stared at her as she trailed away.
Not how i imagined my first time bumping onto a kpop artist in Korea randomly. She was rude and a bit bitchy but i tried my best to understand her. Maybe she was just naturally bitchy or she was just tired?! i don't know. But I do hope she doesn't bump onto a reporter next time and show that side of her, her "Sweet girl" image may be ruined. No names dropped.
So, guys what can you say about her?! Leave your opinions at the comment section below.
The Kpop Guru-Expert
Every Korean pop fan's source of Kpop goodness. Ready to share every thing you need to know about your "bias" and the ultimate kpop 101 site. Feel free to ask me anything and if i find your question interesting, i might make a post about it. 좋은 하루 되세요! 나는 당신을 사랑합니다 ^ O ^ *
The Kpop Artist of the day

Saturday, February 1, 2014
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Weekly Kpop trending Scoops; Ailee
It is normal that everyday there is a news that shakes the ground of the Kpop world. Positive or Negative news that may involve your idol and shock you. News that may be a rumor or true. And yours truly, The Kpop Guru-Expert is here to tell you all the latest scoops in the Kpop world. From the spreading news, your idol's response to the people's verdict.
Kpop's Diva, Ailee and her predebut nude photos.
Recently, solo singer, Ailee has been underfired by netizens for her behavior before she became a Korean pop superstar. Ailee's nude pre-debut photos has been leaked all over the internet and shocked everybody as the sweet and innocent diva showed her nude body on the leaked photos. Her ex-Boyfriend, Daniel Lee was accused of leaking the Kpop star's nude photos and admittedly said that he tried to sell his ex's nude photos but denied that he was the one to leak it all over the internet and specifically on his own publication, Allkpop. Daniel Lee, the Vice President of content in Allkpop admitted that it was indeed his voice in a phone call released by a South Korean media outlet dispatch in which he attempted to sell Ailee's nude photos.
Fans were raged by this and asked various of websites if it was Ailee in the nude photos and to confirm everything, YMC released a statement saying;
"Ailee consulted her ex-boyfriend on the matter. Ailee shared the photos with him after he persuaded her that he needs the photos to get a better idea on the issue."
"The issue has always given Ailee much shock and pain in the past"
And with these statements it has been cleared that it was indeed Ailee in the surfacing nude photos.
Kpop's Diva, Ailee and her predebut nude photos.
Recently, solo singer, Ailee has been underfired by netizens for her behavior before she became a Korean pop superstar. Ailee's nude pre-debut photos has been leaked all over the internet and shocked everybody as the sweet and innocent diva showed her nude body on the leaked photos. Her ex-Boyfriend, Daniel Lee was accused of leaking the Kpop star's nude photos and admittedly said that he tried to sell his ex's nude photos but denied that he was the one to leak it all over the internet and specifically on his own publication, Allkpop. Daniel Lee, the Vice President of content in Allkpop admitted that it was indeed his voice in a phone call released by a South Korean media outlet dispatch in which he attempted to sell Ailee's nude photos.
Fans were raged by this and asked various of websites if it was Ailee in the nude photos and to confirm everything, YMC released a statement saying;
"Ailee consulted her ex-boyfriend on the matter. Ailee shared the photos with him after he persuaded her that he needs the photos to get a better idea on the issue."
"The issue has always given Ailee much shock and pain in the past"
And with these statements it has been cleared that it was indeed Ailee in the surfacing nude photos.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Park Bom's viral photo concerns her fans
2ne1's lead vocalist, Park Bom has recently gathered the Kpop fans attention as screen caps of their interview became viral. The images spreading all over the Kpop scene contains 2ne1's front woman with a botched chin implant. The photo somewhat caught her fans calling for her attention to stop with her "Plastic surgery addiction" before everything is "too late" and because of that various Kpop sites created collages of her "Original/ Natural face" with her "Every year changing face" to point out how much of a big change the 29 year-old artist has gone through for the past 10 years, even before she was a risen star in the Korean pop industry.
It is true that plastic surgery isn't a big deal since 99% of korean idols have done it and makes them gather more fans (makes them more confident in performing live infront of their fans) but the Black jacks that gives 2ne1 a 100% of support can't stop their growing concern for their "Eonni" that is having her worst surgery incident yet.
Some fans even Stated that;
"She neeed to stop with her plastic surgery addiction. CL as a leader should make her stop"
"She is scaring me! She once had a charming face but now she have the celebrity face. She needs serious help FAST"
" I hope she gets help fast and stops changing anything else before everything is too late and her face becomes distorted"
It is a fans job to support their idols with everything that they decide to do. It is true that Park Bom can do whatever she wishes to do so since it is her face and her life, but it is also a fans duty to put sense to their idol before their bias loses everything that they once had.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Reasons why Kpop companies should find talents in other countries/ Non-Koreans for Kpop talents PART 1
Non-Korean Kpop idol Nickhun |
I mean, last time, in my other post related to his one, i have mentioned aspiring Non-Koreans for the Kpop industry. This time, i'll be talking WHY there should be, other than Nickhun and Miss A members Fei nd Jia.
Seriously, a swarm of fans would gather around and idolize the new group. Why? Simple, if a country would be of knowledge that their fellow "Brother" or "Sisters" would be in a group, they would give their support for 100000000000000% to that group. It's simple tactics! so upto now i am still wondering why Kpop companies haven't thought about this. More fans + More Countries to held concerts at = BIG PROFIT FOR THE COMPANY (MORE MONEY!).
E.G on this situation is 2ne1's Sandara Park. She was an Actress in The Philippines before she became and debuted with the group. Guess what? The Philippines had the biggest 2ne1 fan base there is! Even though Sandara is Korean, The Filipino audience gave her full support and watched out for any events regarding Sandara, so what more if it was a Filipino to become a Kpop artist? The other is my handsome boyfriend (LOL WUT?) Nickhun, he isn't from a Korean descendant nor did he grew up in Korea, he got several of advertising in and out of Korea, not a single racist sh*t was ever thrown over him for not being Korean or for being a Kpop Idol without the Korean blood. (i still love you Nickhun even if we are from different worlds!!!!! *coughs *coughs sorry for the ughhh fan girling situation here but the korean likes NICKHUN! *turns back to the computer screen to stare at nickhun)
ANYWAY~ Sorry for all the fan girling moments. I know you guys understand. I just thought i would make this kind of post since i support non-koreans as Kpop artist (that is why i love Miss A and Nickhun) why? simply because i admire their courage. It's hard to go to another country and study another language and all, so i clearly admire them (FYI, even though i am korean, i am NOT fluent in speaking it. JIA and FEI are more fluent than me)
So if you guys want Kpop companies to notice your country, share this post and comment what country you are in and why Kpop companies should start looking for talents in your companies ^^* Till then, bye guys and i love you ^^*
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
As requested for a million times over the comment sections and over emails. I give you this topic!
I don't really get it why SNSD has been denying their surgery accusations. Why can't they just tell the people that they've done it? For sure some people wouldn't mind it since some fans like them for their talent. Well, not all of them actually. As you guys can see there are issues regarding SNSD's byeonte (pervert) so-called-fans, saying that the main reason why they like SNSD is because of their legs and body (mainly Sunny's boobs, actually) but let's not focus on that topic, shall we?
Anyway, even if they kept on denying it, it is actually pretty obvious that they have done it. Getting plastic surgery is actually the most normal thing in the Kpop industry, and trust me, that isn't a big deal or whatsoever because; i mean, let's be honest here, if your bias has overflowing talents and kindness but they aren't exactly attractive, would you still like them? Plastic surgery is the main role in upgrading an artist-to-be's appearance, aside from hair and make-up. SO, YEHEY FOR PLASTIC SURGERY! kkkk~

I know i will get a lot of hate comments and bashing after this from some sones but IDK, make up can hide something but it can't shave a person's jaw. It is obvious that she had jaw surgery. She also had a nose job and eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery same as her younger sister's procedure) because if you look at her jaw in some of the pictures above (and some videos, which for the record has been removed by i don't know who or what did it on the internet) that her jaw was pretty uneven and long. And also, by the looks of it, she had bimaxillary (if you guys don't know this procedure, you can look it up on the internet) no point in denying it. because her jaw isn't as long or neither does it stick out that much the same as before. Hopefully i wouldn't get too much bashing on this one and for the next ones i'll be blogging about. I just don't get what is the big deal about your bias's getting plastic surgery? Why can't people just accept the fact and live on? It's not like its a sin or something. It actually helps people to regain their confidence and improve what they seem to lack. Just try not to overdo it. kkk~
I don't really get it why SNSD has been denying their surgery accusations. Why can't they just tell the people that they've done it? For sure some people wouldn't mind it since some fans like them for their talent. Well, not all of them actually. As you guys can see there are issues regarding SNSD's byeonte (pervert) so-called-fans, saying that the main reason why they like SNSD is because of their legs and body (mainly Sunny's boobs, actually) but let's not focus on that topic, shall we?
Anyway, even if they kept on denying it, it is actually pretty obvious that they have done it. Getting plastic surgery is actually the most normal thing in the Kpop industry, and trust me, that isn't a big deal or whatsoever because; i mean, let's be honest here, if your bias has overflowing talents and kindness but they aren't exactly attractive, would you still like them? Plastic surgery is the main role in upgrading an artist-to-be's appearance, aside from hair and make-up. SO, YEHEY FOR PLASTIC SURGERY! kkkk~
I know i will get a lot of hate comments and bashing after this from some sones but IDK, make up can hide something but it can't shave a person's jaw. It is obvious that she had jaw surgery. She also had a nose job and eyelid surgery (eyelid surgery same as her younger sister's procedure) because if you look at her jaw in some of the pictures above (and some videos, which for the record has been removed by i don't know who or what did it on the internet) that her jaw was pretty uneven and long. And also, by the looks of it, she had bimaxillary (if you guys don't know this procedure, you can look it up on the internet) no point in denying it. because her jaw isn't as long or neither does it stick out that much the same as before. Hopefully i wouldn't get too much bashing on this one and for the next ones i'll be blogging about. I just don't get what is the big deal about your bias's getting plastic surgery? Why can't people just accept the fact and live on? It's not like its a sin or something. It actually helps people to regain their confidence and improve what they seem to lack. Just try not to overdo it. kkk~
Monday, October 14, 2013
Non-Koreans Auditioning for talent search
Hello guys ^^ I'm back from Seoul.
I was strolling at the internet last night when i stumbled upon some videos submitted by non-koreans (mostly caucasians and southeast asians) and i was awed. Especially from a video submitted by a pretty girl from the Philippines. I almost had my jaw dropped. I went to move on and on and on to see other videos and OMG i felt bad about myself. Those people really has lots of talent. LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!
Here are the top 4 countries that for me has the most talented people auditioning and are aspiring Kpop idols to be:
The Philippines ( i am telling you guys, there is this one girl that sang sooooooo high my ears almost bleed. But i think those with a a bit RNB kind of voices has a better chance since it is Kpop. POP. but IDC, the girl was AMAZING. And not only one girl but there were tons of them that are good in singing and in dancing.)
China (though i really couldn't understand some of them since they don't speak english, i was really amazed by this dude that sang "only look at me" GOSH i turned deep pink when he sang. And there is this girl that sang a Chinese song, she can play tricks with her voice, wow.)
California (*winks. Oh yeah~ and i am one of those. LOL. just kidding. I can't even sing. But yep, there are many, but not that much auditioning)
Thailand (there are really tons of people there are submitting videos. There are people who were juggling balls and tons of crazy stuffs. There are also lots of good dancers. Like seriously)
I'll answer more Questions next time but for now, i need to eat my breakfast! ;) Till next time and i think i'll be posting more about Non-koreans auditioning and stuff since lots of you guys are curious about it and maybe i'll post about SNSD's plastic surgery issues. ;)
I was strolling at the internet last night when i stumbled upon some videos submitted by non-koreans (mostly caucasians and southeast asians) and i was awed. Especially from a video submitted by a pretty girl from the Philippines. I almost had my jaw dropped. I went to move on and on and on to see other videos and OMG i felt bad about myself. Those people really has lots of talent. LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!
Here are the top 4 countries that for me has the most talented people auditioning and are aspiring Kpop idols to be:
The Philippines ( i am telling you guys, there is this one girl that sang sooooooo high my ears almost bleed. But i think those with a a bit RNB kind of voices has a better chance since it is Kpop. POP. but IDC, the girl was AMAZING. And not only one girl but there were tons of them that are good in singing and in dancing.)
China (though i really couldn't understand some of them since they don't speak english, i was really amazed by this dude that sang "only look at me" GOSH i turned deep pink when he sang. And there is this girl that sang a Chinese song, she can play tricks with her voice, wow.)
California (*winks. Oh yeah~ and i am one of those. LOL. just kidding. I can't even sing. But yep, there are many, but not that much auditioning)
Thailand (there are really tons of people there are submitting videos. There are people who were juggling balls and tons of crazy stuffs. There are also lots of good dancers. Like seriously)
I'll answer more Questions next time but for now, i need to eat my breakfast! ;) Till next time and i think i'll be posting more about Non-koreans auditioning and stuff since lots of you guys are curious about it and maybe i'll post about SNSD's plastic surgery issues. ;)
Friday, October 4, 2013
The Kpop Guru- Expert's first fan message!
HEEEELLLLLLOOOOOO~ ^^* What's up, guys?
Seoul bound! ^^*
At an internet cafe at Seoul, daaaannnnggg, the internet here is faaasssstttttt! Funny thing is, I have to use a Virtual keyboard in english over the internet just to create this post, copy paste and type, uggghhh~ As you guys can see, the computer i am using (so are the other computers in this shop) only has the korean language available in it. Anyway, I just got MY FIRST EVER FAN MESSAGE! I mean, it is. I always receive emails telling that they love my blog and tell me encouraging things. The thing is, this is my first ever super fan message! FOR REAL!! It isn't just an email telling that "ZOMG! I love your blog, keep it up" but it's an actual email that contains a really lovely message! I can't hold my feeling..... I wanna puke RAINBOWS right now!!! I'm so happy.
Here is a small part from the fan message:
Thanks you for making me feel special, Kathy from Canada.
(I just can't stop imagining being a Kpop idol and reading all the never ending Fan mails, i can't stop imagining how much of an adrenaline rush a Kpop idol gets from all the fan mails they get. I didn't know it feels this good!)
Anyway, Till next time again guys, I also have been thinking if i should let the E-mailers join my giveaway, some of them said they can't post a comment for some reason it kept on ending to an error. I'll think about it though ^^*
Seoul bound! ^^*
At an internet cafe at Seoul, daaaannnnggg, the internet here is faaasssstttttt! Funny thing is, I have to use a Virtual keyboard in english over the internet just to create this post, copy paste and type, uggghhh~ As you guys can see, the computer i am using (so are the other computers in this shop) only has the korean language available in it. Anyway, I just got MY FIRST EVER FAN MESSAGE! I mean, it is. I always receive emails telling that they love my blog and tell me encouraging things. The thing is, this is my first ever super fan message! FOR REAL!! It isn't just an email telling that "ZOMG! I love your blog, keep it up" but it's an actual email that contains a really lovely message! I can't hold my feeling..... I wanna puke RAINBOWS right now!!! I'm so happy.
Here is a small part from the fan message:
"I really don't care if i don't win your give away, i didn't went here for that, i won't stop reading your blog. I didn't even joined your give away. Even if you just started, i would be with you till the very end......"I am sooooo moved by this. Knowing that some one reads my blog not because she wants to win the EXO'S XOXO ALBUM GIVE AWAY but because she likes my blog. I am soooo happy i can't hold my feels!
Thanks you for making me feel special, Kathy from Canada.
(I just can't stop imagining being a Kpop idol and reading all the never ending Fan mails, i can't stop imagining how much of an adrenaline rush a Kpop idol gets from all the fan mails they get. I didn't know it feels this good!)
Anyway, Till next time again guys, I also have been thinking if i should let the E-mailers join my giveaway, some of them said they can't post a comment for some reason it kept on ending to an error. I'll think about it though ^^*
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