The Kpop Artist of the day

The Kpop Artist of the day

Monday, October 14, 2013

Non-Koreans Auditioning for talent search

Hello guys ^^ I'm back from Seoul.
I was strolling at the internet last night when i stumbled upon some videos submitted by non-koreans (mostly caucasians and southeast asians) and i was awed. Especially from a video submitted by a pretty girl from the Philippines. I almost had my jaw dropped. I went to move on and on and on to see other videos and OMG i felt bad about myself. Those people really has lots of talent. LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!

Here are the top 4 countries that for me has the most talented people auditioning and are aspiring Kpop idols to be:

The Philippines ( i am telling you guys, there is this one girl that sang sooooooo high my ears almost bleed. But i think those with a a bit RNB kind of voices has a better chance since it is Kpop. POP. but IDC, the girl was AMAZING. And not only one girl but there were tons of them that are good in singing and in dancing.)

China (though i really couldn't understand some of them since they don't speak english, i was really amazed by this dude that sang "only look at me" GOSH i turned deep pink when he sang. And there is this girl that sang a Chinese song, she can play tricks with her voice, wow.)

California (*winks. Oh yeah~ and i am one of those. LOL. just kidding. I can't even sing. But yep, there are many, but not that much auditioning)

Thailand (there are really tons of people there are submitting videos. There are people who were juggling balls and tons of crazy stuffs. There are also lots of good dancers. Like seriously)
I'll answer more Questions next time but for now, i need to eat my breakfast! ;) Till next time and i think i'll be posting more about Non-koreans auditioning and stuff since lots of you guys are curious about it and maybe i'll post about SNSD's plastic surgery issues. ;)


  1. I'm agree with you SHEENA! But , dont forget my country PERU. There are a lot of talented dancers and singers here. If You come to my country , You can go to a Kpop event each week.The fanclubs are very organized and each one have their own kpop cover dance team. Last sunday , I went to a Kpop cover dance competition and i could see that the level of the participants is very high :D

    1. Okay :) I'm sorry if i forgot to include your country ^^ i'll try to add it next time when my post is somewhat related to this kind. :)

  2. Wow! That's very flattering for us filipinos! I know, i know, we have lots of talented youngsters here who aspires to be celebrities someday! Thank you with this compliment. I really appreciate it. ^^
